Drainage Services

Too much water around?

We Can Help…

If you find water in your crawl space or if your yard gets slushy in the rain storms, these are things to consider:

Our first question to you will be, how is the water getting in to your crawl space or why is your yard staying so wet? Do you have a plumbing leak, or is it a drainage problem or both? It is VERY  important to discover this out, FIRST!

If you are handy, these can be repaired be you and we would be glad to guide you.  

When John was 8, there was lots of water under his folks house.  The recommended remedy was that he crawl under the house in Moraga, that was like a swamp, as his parents owned a house at the bottom of a hill.  He found what appeared to be the low spot in the crawl space and connected a sump pump in there to vacate the water.  Once drained, he created small pit for the pump to sit in so that all they had to do was plug the pump in whenever it rained.  Of course, it would take days for the water to stop coming down the hill and every so often John had to climb into the muck and clean out the pit and the pump.  

In year 2, he installed a bucket in the pit  with about 1/2″ holes drilled in the sides near the bottom. This allowed water to reach the pump without letting a lot of gravel and dirt in it. He also made sure the outflow hose was directed so the water wouldn’t do any additional erosion damage causing more problems. He also had to install fans in the crawl space to try to circulate air to keep mold and mildew from forming. Installing a float switch on the sump pump had the pump turning on and off all of the time, along with using a humidistat to turn the fans on and off.  Of course, Pacific Gas and Electric loved this as the electric bill shot up dramatically! 

At 10 years old, John was tired of the recommended way of getting rid of water under the house and created a French Drain system to stop the water from getting to the house.  This was so much easier to service and took care of the problem.  This is what his company does now to help businesses and homeowners.

This can be done by you or we can help!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us…